.es is the country code top-level domain for Spain. It is administered by the Network Information Centre of Spain. Registrations are permitted at the second level or at the... Wikipedia
- Introduced: April 14, 1988
- TLD type: Country code top-level domain
- Status: Active
- Registry: Red.es
- Sponsor: Red.es
- Intended use: Entities connected with
- Actual use: Very popular in Spain, (Rare) also used in typosquatting due to misspellings of.eus domains. Also, used for domain hacks in multiple languages.
- Registration restrictions: None for second-level registrations after 2005 phase-in of open registration, there are restrictions on some of the specific subdomains
- Structure: Registrations are taken directly at the second level or at the third level beneath various second-level subdomains
- Documents: Spanish domain-related legislation
- Dispute policies: Extrajuridical conflict resolution system for ".es" domain names
- Website: dominios.es
- Data source: DuckDuckGo